6. jaanuar 2020 @ 09:00 – 12. jaanuar 2020 @ 18:00
Väluste kool
Väluste school
Väluste village, Tarvastu, Viljandi county, Estonia
Olev Poolamets Phone: +372 56622588 / Monica-Linde Klemet +372 58866177

7-päevane Juthok Ninghtigi Nöndro ritriit Drukmo Gyali juhendamisel

Millal · Kellaaeg · Koht
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6.-12. jaanuar 2010 • 9:00 – 18:00
Väluste kool, Väluste küla, Tarvastu, Viljandi maakond, Eesti, 69704

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Nöndro ritriit ennem 15. 12.2019 registreerijatele 210€. Hilisematele registreerujatele 250€. Hind sisaldab majutust, toitlustust ning ritriidi juhendamist.

Varase registreerumise kinnituseks palun kanda pool kursuse rahast MTÜ Eesti Tiibeti Traditsioonilise Meditsiini Akadeemia arvele SEB a/a EE601010220215443222


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Juthok Ninghtig on kõige tähtsam ja unikaalsem traditsioonilise tiibeti meditsiini arstidele, astroloogidele ja tervendajatele mõeldud vaimne harjutus, mis sobib ka tavainimestele.

Nöndro tähistab eel- või ettevalmistavat harjutust. Sõna “ettevalmistav” võib jätta mulje, et tegemist on millegi väga elementaarsega. Mingis mõttes vastab see tõele, kuid tegu on ka millegi väga olulisega. Me võiksime seda kutsuda elementaarseks põhjapanevaks praktikaks. Ka vaimsel teel käimiseks on vaja tugevat alusraamistikku. Vaimne praktika on nagu hoone, millel võib olla üks, kaks või enamgi korruseid. Buddha on öelnud, et tasandeid või bhumi’sid on kümme ning mida kõrgem on ehitatav hoone ehk mida kõrgemale jõuab meie vaimne praktika, seda tugevam peab olema vundament. Nöndrot tehes loome vundamendi oma vaimsetele praktikatele.

Nöndro harjutus on koostatud sihiga anda harjutajatele võimalus kogeda meditsiinilise ja vaimse praktika ühendamist. Sedasorti teadlikkus tekib tänu keha, meele ja energia harmoonilisele lõimimisele. (Dr Nida Chenagtsang „Hea karma kunst Tiibeti moodi”)

Tiibeti traditsioonis tehakse Nöndrot elu jooksul mitu korda, Juthok Ninghtigi traditsioonis teevad paljud arstid seda igal aastal korra. Hea on ka seda korrata.

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Email: attmestonia@gmail.com
Olev Poolamets
Telefon: +372 56622588
Monica-Linde Klemet
+372 58866177

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Drukmo Gyal Dakini (འབྲུག་མོ་རྒྱལ ), SKI Rahvusvaheline õpetaja

Drukmo Gyal Dakini (འབྲུག་མོ་རྒྱལ ) was born in the Northeastern part of Tibet into a Tibetan yogi (Tib. སྔགས་པ Ngakpa) family where mantra and meditation were introduced at a young age like all other children in the region. She moved to Europe in early 2014 in order to work with Sorig Khang International, she is based in Estonia since 2015, she guides retreats of Yuthok Nyingthig path, sings Tibetan mantra concerts, teaches workshops on Tibetan external therapies all over the world.

Osalemiseks täida allpool olev vorm.

Date · Time · Place
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6th – 12th Jan 2020 • 9:00am – 6:00pm
Väluste school, Väluste village, Tarvastu, Viljandi county, Estonia, 69704

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The cost of the retreat is 210€ – you can register for it until the 15th of December 2019. If you choose to register after the 15th of December, the price will be 250€. Price will include housing and catering.

To confirm an early registration, please transfer half of the payment of the course to the IATTM Estonia account.

Bankaccount name: MTÜ Eesti Tiibeti Traditsioonilise Meditsiini Akadeemia
Account nr:  EE601010220215443222
AS SEB Pank, Address: Tornimäe 2, 15010, Tallinn, Estonia

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The Yuthok Nyingthig (Tib. གཡུ་ཐོག་སྙིང་ཐིག་), the ‘Heart Essence of Yuthok’, composed by Yuthok the Younger, is a complete cycle of Vajrayana Buddhist practice, beginning with the preliminary practices (Tib. སྔོན་འགྲོ་ “ngöndro”) and progressing through the development and completion stage practices to the highest practices of Mahamudra and Dzogchen. It is characterized by its concise and simple methods which bring about both worldly benefits, including improved health and longevity, as well as the ultimate benefit of complete spiritual liberation. The Yuthok Nyingthig is the main spiritual practice of Tibetan physicians, and it contains many unique techniques to heighten the intuition and healing capacities of the doctor.

Ngöndro, meaning ‘foundational’ or ‘preliminary’ practices is the root of the tree out of which all other Vajrayana Buddhist practices grow. Yuthok’s ngöndro, traditionally done in the context of a seven day retreat is incredibly transformative to one’s mind, health, and life, and is the gateway into the profound path of the Yuthok Nyingthig. This seven day intensive retreat combines sessions of silent meditation, group chanting, visualization and contemplation, as well as instruction in the practice.

This retreat includes instruction in the healing chöd practice, or Kusali, which is the last section of the Yuthok Nyingthig ngöndro.

Please note: Completion of a seven day Yuthok Nyingthig Ngöndro retreat or completion of Ngöndro practices in another lineage is the pre-requisite to attend Dr. Nida Chenagtsang’s Tummo Yoga and Karmamudra teaching programs.

• • • • •
Email: attmestonia@gmail.com
Olev Poolamets
Phone: +372 56622588
Monica-Linde Klemet
+372 58866177

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Drukmo Gyal Dakini (འབྲུག་མོ་རྒྱལ ) , SKI International Teacher

Drukmo Gyal Dakini (འབྲུག་མོ་རྒྱལ ) was born in the Northeastern part of Tibet into a Tibetan yogi (Tib. སྔགས་པ Ngakpa) family where mantra and meditation were introduced at a young age like all other children in the region. She moved to Europe in early 2014 in order to work with Sorig Khang International, she is based in Estonia since 2015, she guides retreats of Yuthok Nyingthig path, sings Tibetan mantra concerts, teaches workshops on Tibetan external therapies all over the world.