26. jaanuar 2019 all-day
Sorig Khang Estonia, Väluste kool

Kohtumine Hanna Väliahoga Nepaalist. Tantsime talve valgeks ja meeled selgeks koos Eeva Kallisega

Väluste kool 26.01.2019 kell 12.00

Kohtumine Hanna Väliahoga

Vestlusring Soomest pärit Hanna Väliaho`ga. Hanna on kolmanda aasta üliõpilane Sowa Rigpa Rahvusvahelises Kolledžis Kathmandus. Mida tuleks silmas pidada Sowa Rigpa – Tiibeti Meditsiini õpingutes? Hanna räägib enda kogemustest ja teadmistest. Hanna on lühikesel talvepuhkusel kodus Soomes ja oli nõus tulema Välustesse jagama oma kogemusi ja teadmisi õpingutest. Hanna tunneb sidet Väluste kooliga, sest on mitmed õpingud ja praktikad enne Nepaali minekut läbinud siin.


Eva Kallis tantsitab meid läbi avatud põrand – open floor meetodi.

Lähemalt saab Eevast ja sellest meetodist lugeda https://www.facebook.com/groups/788921741187972/

Kogunemine 26.01.19 kell 12. Seejärel vestlusring Hannaga ja Eeva tantsib koos meiega talve valgeks ja südamed soojaks. Vahepeal lõuna ja päeva lõpuks Jutogi, MeditsiiniBuda, Shangloni praktika. Kohapeal saab ka ööbida. Soojad riided, soovi korral ka magamiskott kaasa.

Osalus 20 EUR sisaldab ka toitu ja ööbimist.


Meeting with Hanna Väliaho from Nepal and we will dance the winter white and senses clear with Eeva Kallis

Väluste school 26.01.2019, 12 o’clock



Meeting with Hanna Väliaho

Hanna Väliaho, who is originally from Finland, will have a Questions and Answers session and share her experiences. The main question we will ask is: What are the main points we should remember whilst studying and practicing Sowa Rigpa-Tibetan medicine? Hanna is a third year undergraduate at Sowa Rigpa International College in Nepal and has had many new experiences and wisdoms to share with us, ’thanks to her first hand experiences in Kathmandu. Right now she is on her winter holiday and we were able to invite her back to the place she used to study Sowa Rigpa before her studies in Nepal.


After this Eeva Kallis will dance with us.

She is using the open floor method to clear our mind and warm our hearts. More abot Eeva Kallis from here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/788921741187972/

Gathering on 26.01.2019 at 12 o’clock. Then starts the Q and A with Hanna Väliaho and here we’ll have lunch. Subsequently we will have the open floor dance and to finish the day we will do Jutog, Medicine Buddha and Shanglon practice. There is also the possibility to stay the night at Väluste, if possible please take your own sleeping bags with you. Also remember to take warm clothing with you.

Participation costs 20 € and this includes food and the possibility to stay the night.