Sorig Congress in Pozhan is postponed for one year because of Corona virus pandemics.

Dr. Machik teaching is postponed also from July for future because of Corona virus pandemics.

Be safe!



Kevade olulisim üritus on Sorigi kongress Poznanis, Poolas. Lisaks konverentsi põhiprogrammile toimub mitmeid eel-ja järelkoolitusi. Neile kes soovivad alustada Tiibeti Traditsioonilise Meditsiini 4 aastase õppega on soovitav osaleda Poolas 22-23 aprillil toimuval juurtantra koolitusel. Mitmed Eestis toimunud 4 aastase koolituse õpilased esitavad konverentsil enda lõputöö teese. Soovitav on konverentsil ja eel- ning järelkoolitustel osaleda kõigil TTM 4 aastase õppe õpilastel.

Konverentsi kava, koolitused ja piletiinfo on leitavad siit:


A most important event in spring 2020 will be Sorig Congress in Poznan. There will be also several pre-and post-congress teachings. For them, who wont start with TTM 4 year studies is good to participate in the root tantra teachings from 22nd to 23rd April. Several students who participated in the TTM 4 year teachings will present final theses on the Congress. It is suggested participate on the Congress and also on the pre- and post-congress teachings for all 4-year TTM students.

More info, time schedule and tickets you can find here: